Steve Drum Steve Drum

Why You Need Warrior Toughness

By: Retired Navy SEAL Stephen Drum

You would be right to think that being a warfighter is about the precision of battle, and everything that goes with it—weapons training, tactics procedure, and planning, but what civilians fail to appreciate, and what the U.S. Navy’s Warrior Toughness Program (WTP) addresses, is the whole person. And much of that work is about mental preparation and performance—deciding who you are and what matters, building resilience and commitment, and having the mental fortitude to persevere through it all.

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Rich Bracken Rich Bracken

How Emotional Intelligence is Critical to Leadership and Life

By: Rich Bracken

So, the landscape of business has changed, permanently.

Companies are scrambling in the “Great Resignation” to retain their top talent and attract the best that are in the market looking around. Teams are no longer onsite 100% of the time with hybrid and even full-remote teams becoming commonplace.

While the face and shape of business has undergone a massive makeover, one thing remains the same: we need proper leadership.

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Kelly Bjorseth Kelly Bjorseth

Achieve Your Goals FINALLY

Money mindset expert, Mel Abraham, shares how to finally achieve your goals.

– Why goal-setting without a strategy is doomed to fail

– The difference between making little progress and making a bunch of resolutions

– Why our emotions are crucial to achieving goals

– The three things that stand in the way between our goals and us

– What the Goal-Getting Triad framework is

– The principles of the Goal-Getting Triad framework and how to put it in practice

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